Monday, April 18, 2011

Arms Update {week#2}

SO..I missed doing the Shake Weight 3 times this week. Whoops, my bad.
I have gotten other workouts in where I've incorporated arm weights and of course I'm still training for my 10k. So, it's all good.
You can read about where I started and Week #1 here
Here's Week 2:
I see slight improvement, but then again I am my own critic.
I will keep working at it because I really, realllllly want to wear this size 14 sleeveless dress to a wedding I'm attending June 11th without a cardigan or any type of coverup!
I did wear a short sleeved shirt to work today=very self conscience..something I will just have to keep working on!
A nice spray tan would be nice too after seeing these pictures!


Eve said...

I see a big change! I scrolled down to see Week 1 pictures. I might have to go get me one of those shake weights now! I'm always covering up when I'm out too - I used to HATE taking my jacket off because I thought it hid the fat! Now I'm down to a 3/4 length sleeve cardigan! Progress, progress! You are doing awesome and you WILL look awesome in the sleeveless dress in June! =)

safire said...

I am so used to covering up my arms too. I used to hate them so much!

I have a wedding in June that I want to wear something sleeveless for. Good luck to the BOTH of us :D