Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekly Meal Plan

In the past I haven't been a fan of picking out recipes, because..I can't cook! Seriously, I can't. I'll read a recipe and get confused and feel like it's waaay over my head. My husband is the cook in our little family, but with his new work/school schedule it's hard to keep track of when he'll be home, etc.
This week I wrote out on the calendar when he will be home/when I need to make something myself/when I have class, etc. Here's our tentitive schedule. Oh, and PS. the goal is to not eat out at all this week.
{Click the links for the recipe}

Tonight (Sunday):
Crockpot Lasagna
Makes enough servings for leftovers for lunch and throughout the week.

Sandwich, or leftovers. I'm going to Zumba at 7:45 and J works until 10:30pm

Mexican Casserole

Leftovers. I leave for class at 6pm, J works until 10:30pm

Chicken Parmesan
I leave for class at 6pm to 10pm, and J gets out of class at 7pm SO I think he will be making it and I will just take for lunch on Friday.

Leftovers. J works until 10:30pm

Whew! Yes, that is how crazy our schedules are. BUT I'm going to make it work! Because...I have weight to lose :)


Eve said...

That sounds like a great meal plan! I think I may try the Slow Cooker Lasagna - that sounds delicious! I hate trying out new recipes in case I don't like it then I feel like I've wasted money on all that food and have to spend more money and time on getting something I like! lol

Have fun at Zumba! =)

safire said...

Your meals sound delicious! I would read over the recipes before hand, have everything laid out before you start. It does get overwhelming if you aren't totally prepped but it quickly becomes second nature!

Kacie B. said...

Good luck! I know that when you're busy, cooking is the last thing you want to do. Don't be afraid to take some short cuts by buying prepared parts of dinner. For instance, try raviolis from the refrigerated section so all you have to do is heat some sauce and throw a salad along side or grill up a bunch of chicken on the weekend and keep it in the fridge to make into wraps, salads, throw in pasta, etc. when you're busy. Best of luck :)