Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Marshalls Do Med School {MCAT update}

Read: Last update

To say that this process to being accepted into medical school is grueling is an understatement. A lot of hurry up...and wait. One step forward, two steps back...
Yesterday his official MCAT score was released. Let's just say it wasn't exactly the score he was hoping for. I don't think he wants me to disclose the actual number, but it was under his goal of a 30. He was pretty devastated, and being really hard on himself. Luckily, he pulled himself together sooner rather than later and reminded himself that his intelligence is not defined by one little test.

That being said, where do we go next?

There are a few different options we could take a look at:
1.) Retake the MCAT in August.
  • There are a few pro's and cons with this option. First, retaking in August is getting pretty late in the game. Considering the application process started in June, now we would have to wait for his updated scores that wouldn't come out until September. Ugh. Another con is having to pay again for this test (omg $$$). The pros are that he has a great chance in improving his score, and the August test is here in town so he wouldn't have to travel like he did the first time around.
2.) NOT retake and just apply to his state school (KU) and some D.O. schools
  • I think this is the option we're leaning towards. His score is still within range for DO programs. Note: We have NO problem going the DO route!! In fact, the more we read about it, the more we realize that DO is geared more towards our nontraditional lifestyle anyway.
3.) Apply this cycle & see what happens
  • Applying to a bunch of MD schools with his current stats would be a waste of money..plain and simple. I think if he chooses a few DO schools that he fits into the qualifications it will be a good step into getting his name out there and seeing what he can do to improve his application if he isn't accepted for 2014. That way, he can retake the MCAT in the spring of 2014 and reapply for the 2015 class even stronger.
This process is such a learning experience..for the both of us. That's where we're at. Now that he has all his transcripts, letters of recommendations, personal statement, and now MCAT score he can start applying. I will update when we have a narrowed down list. Whew, I feel winded now!

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