Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's next?

Let me tell you, going back to a "normal" routine is hard. Not looking at baby crib bedding on etsy is hard..not wanting to browse the baby section at Target is hard, or not reading baby product reviews on blogs is hard. But I'm not pregnant anymore and I don't have any babies so I have to let that stuff go for now. Jordan told me something the other night that really affected me and has helped with my positive outlook. He said: Someday, someway we will be parents. I have to believe that. I refuse to give up the dream of becoming a mother and raising a beautiful family. But that is not right now. And it isn't going to be in 7 months either.
So, what's next??

I've enrolled for the fall semester at Wichita State University. When I graduated High School in 2006 I didn't go straight into college because I really didn't have any direction in life. After getting married and seeing my husband's dedication to his college career it has really motivated me to want to do something with my life. I declared my major in Social Work. I don't care about the low salary; I care about working in a field where I actually feel like I'm making a difference in someone's life.

Jordan and I are back to Weight Watchers. I have gained seven pounds since I quit WW in March. I believe in the program and I believe in myself to lose the rest of this weight. My goal is to lose 10lbs by September 1st. Pretty attainable I think. Having Jordan do the program with me should be interesting as he was never really interested when I did it in 2010, but he is motivated to get healthier as well. I will be back to posting my Friday Weight Watcher Weigh In posts. I know you've missed those ;) so that's the plan!

Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger.


Tiffany said...

Great to see that your still posting and have made proactive plans for the future. I'm actually in the exact same boat as you. I lost my son, I want to go back to school for teaching, (regardless of salary), and I really want to start WW as my weight is quickly increasing due to my bad eating habits!...Here is to hoping it's easier done than said. ;) I reallly agree with the comment "Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger."
Take Care of yourself!

safire said...

I'm so sorry I just played catch up and read some of your previous posts.

It sounds like you are in a better place right now. You will get through this! You are still so young. Good luck with your new direction and congrats on the new car!